





Beauty is an art,
We made it a Science.
Cryolift III
Cryolift III combines cryotherpy and light therapy technologies on same machine for better overall comfort. It is a non invasive treatment without any currents, meaning it’s even safe to use even during pregnancy. This procedure is completely safe and painless.
The Cryolift method is the product of medical research and achieves a perfect symbiosis between the biostimulation effect of cryoplasty and the performance of the active ingredients applied to the skin. Filorga Cryolift uses the Peltier effect to create stable, constant electronic cold. Cryotherapy is based on rapidly lowering skin temperature and then immediately transferring the cold to the deep layers of the skin.
3 Main Action
1. Controlled analgesia the rapid inhibition of nerve conduction enables deep massage without client discomfort 2. Dermocryophoresis the thermal regulation of the dermis leads to a rapid succession of vasoconstriction and vasodilation in the microcirculation, generating a pumping effect. This controlled vasomotricity enables the active ingredients applied to the skin to be distributed with remarkable effectiveness. 3. Skin oxygenation the activation of the cutaneous microcirculation promotes better cellular oxygenation, thereby optimising their metabolism.
What is Crytherapy ?
Cryotherapy is the use of cold to therapeutic ends in the broadest sense of the term. This cold can be obtained and applied by various means: physical, chemical or gaseous.

Thermal Shock

This concept of «thermal shock» dates back to the Seventies. The experimental studies on provoked hypothermia (cryothérapie) then showed that the effectiveness of this technique was related to a strict condition: the fall in temperature must be carried out in a short time, progressive cooling appearing to be definitely less effective. One now knows that this thermal shock allows a controlled management of the mechanisms of conduction and convection and a better control of the various phenomena of sideration than one causes.


Refrigeration can be carried out by several methods, ranging from simple ways to more complex ones
•Ice It is the oldest means to apply cold, and also simplest. But it is not most effective because conduction is of bad quality, the thermal shock is poor and hypothermia is quickly lost after application is finished.

•Cooling Gel This method is simple and practical because the gel is contained in a sachet placed in the freezer before application. Advantage: the thermal shock is real and durable. Disadvantage: the frozen gel imperfectly follows the coetaneous surface and the thin layer of air left between the two causes an insulating effect which greatly reduces conduction, thus reducing the thermal shock.

•Cryogen Gas This more recent technique aims to vaporise directly on the skin carbonic ice (dry ice) in the form of microcrystals which at evaporation will cause the thermal shock. This technique is without a doubt effective but requires heavy equipment and complex logistics (gas bottles...).

•Stabilized Electronic Cold This is the most modern technique which results from Peltier’s work.
Cryoplasty is a technique of cryotherapy specifically adapted to the aesthetic care. Its specificity is relevant on two levels: on the one hand, that of the cooling which is applied to the skin, in addition, that of the targeted zone which can be total or selective.
Adapting to the indications of the treatment and personalised care specifications, cryoplasty® applies to the various parts of the coetaneous anatomy:
Papillary derma
Reticular derma
Hypoderm (upper layers)
Free terminations of the sensitive innervation
These various targets can be treated in an analytical and selective way or in a general manner in accordance to the desired effect. The cryoplasty® is thus a very accurate technique which must be vigorously targeted. This implies that one must observe the target carefully before treating theskin in order to identify the objective sought with precision, before applying the indication with rigour.
Cutaneous refrigeration
Cryoplasty covers a sphere of activity precisely ranging between +5° and -18° celsius, which corresponds to the optimal temperature span for the implementation of this technique. It is thus advisable to observe that if the room for manoeuvre is relatively small, it is also very precise, which implies the obligation to have quality material specifically designed for this application. We also insist on the fact that these precise parameters must be rigorously respected

-Above +5°, the refrigeration is insufficient and does not yield the sought effects

-Below -18°, the temperature is too intense which causes a progressive crystallization of the tissue water, initially extra-cellularly then intracellularly.This change of physical state of the tissues leads to coetaneous cryolesions, first at the surface then deep, followed by a cryothromboses of the blood vessels. It is for this reason that intense cold is used in dermatological cry surgery; to destroy coetaneous tumours. However, cryoplasty® is a technique of stimulation and not a method of destruction, thus the need to strictly respect temperature range between +5° and - 18°.
1. Localisation of the zone to treat
Use Cryolift on skin filled with Filorga Fluids so as to create dermocyophoresis of active ingredients and the stimulation of micro circulation by vasomotricity.
2. Horizontal application of the cryoprobe
Start with the top of the face and exert brushing movements from the median line towards the sides. Continue at the level of middle tier, lower tier,neck and neckline.
3. Sweeping cryoplasty On the maxillary,
exert upward circular movements in order to remoel the oval of the face, by activating dermo cryostimulation.
Specifications APPARATUS PART
AC Input: 120 - 230 Volts / 50 - 60 Hz
Absorbed energy: 35 W
Control management: by microprocessor
Display: GRAPHIC LCD retro-lighting
Control: by key
Dimensions: 23 x 23 x 17 cms
Total Weight: 1,540 Kg
Temperature of use: + 10 to + 40°C
Safety: Classe 1 type BT (NF standard EN 60335-1)
Handheld Part AC Input: 12 Volts
Absorbed energy: 12 W
Control management: by microprocessor
Control: by key
Cold application process: by contact
Nature of cold: Peltier effect module
Active contact surface: 0,5 cm² et 5 cm²
Temperature Variation: temperature delta of -18°C
Adjustement: 1°C increments
Contact Temperature: - 5°C under minimal conditions of use Safety: In & Out temperature Sensors